Spotted a triangular paper Chinese flag with a dragon motif and immediately recalled that a Chinese association in town had held a special prayer in conjunction with the Hungry Ghost Festival. The special prayer often refered to as Por Tor is part of the Hungry Ghost celebration. Paper flags are stuck on every food offerings during such prayers and I remember children in my old little hometown would rush to gather as many flags as they could once the prayers ended. Hungry Ghost celebration, I suppose is one part private and one part communal. Prayers at home are for deceased relatives and involved just one's kins. A prayer like Por Tor however involved everyone in the community; just as long as he or she is interested and his or her religious beliefs do not forbid. Afterall, the prayers then are for all those who are dead, including strangers who died without a proper burial or who has no one to pray and make offerings to them. Good thought and intention here, I should say.