Tik Tok CEO Shou Zi Chew 周受资 has been very impressive. Not only is he young and good looking but his performance when grilled by U.S. lawmakers during the recent Tik Tok congressional hearing is simply amazing. He was cooled and composed throughout the nearly 5 hour ordeal and spoke such an impeccable English that his Singapore's origin became a suspect. Someone in the Net was of the idea the CEO was probably from China, saying that Singaporeans don't speak his sort of English and with that sort of accent. The former probably was thinking of Singlish, the English used in Singapore's street where the language is spoken with a local accent and without proper grammar and interspersed with local words. Then of course, the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew didn't speak this sort of English either and could be a suspect too. Imagine the Tik Tok CEO writing his thesis in a maimed language while in University College London and Harvard Business School! He had furthered his studies there after serving Singapore's National Service and being commissioned an officer in Singapore Armed Forces. While a Singaporean, someehere I have read that he was born in Malaysia and with a face as fair as his, I couldn't help suspecting that he's an agent from Russia, too. Maybe, a check with the Singapore government would clear the air.
Hear the Tik Tok CEO Shou Zi Chew speak!