A Dog Named Looty

Following the death of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, the social media was flooded with unflattering stories of the day when Britain was a great empire with many colonies under her rule and British proudly proclaimed that the sun did not set in the empire. For a long time, India has asked her former colonial master to return the Koh-i-Noor but the British government has not complied saying that the gem has been legally obtained. Koh-i-Noor of course is the famed diamond which used to 
adorn India's Mughal Peacock Throne and now decorates the crown of the Queen of England. Britain had been accused of looting not just her former colonies. In China, during the Second Opium War; British and French troops looted China's Imperial Summer Palace and before burning it down, the British forces manage to run off with a Pekingese puppy. The puppy was later presented to Queen Victoria for her Royal Collection of Dogs and was approptately named Looty.

Trivias on the British Empire...

and the Opium War...
