Sikhs in a Chinese Cemetery

It's that time of the year again; Cheng Beng, a time specially dedicated to all who have passed away. For the first time since the pandemic, people are allowed to go to the cemetery to clean and pray at the graves of the departed; but with the Omicron lurking somewhere, some people would either choose to pray at home; or if they are going to the cemetery at all, only a small group of family members would do so to avoid overcrowding; that would be so even without the authorities meddling. Touching on cemetery, there is an interesting one in modern-day Singapore. The century-old Bukit Brown Cemetery which was  opened in 1922 has some 100,000 tombs. Some very old tombs of wealthy Chinese interestingly has statues of Sikh guards; at least 30 of them.

Check this out!
