Chinese Wines

Wine; white, yellow or red; all probably have a long history in China. White wine Baijiu 白酒 in China is also known as shaojiu 烧酒. It is a clear, colourless liquor with 35% and 60% alcohol made usually by distilling fermented sorghum.Yellow wine or huangjiu 黄酒 is brewed using boiled grains which include rice, glutinous rice or millet and is comparatively less strong. Chinese grape wine 葡萄酒 pútáojiǔ probably reminds of red wine, the latter being made from grapes. In China, wines have been known to be produced from grapes since the Qin Dynasty. Remnants of grape wine have been found near Rizhao  in southeastern Shandong province. Over time, however, alcoholic beverages made from sorghum, millet, rice and fruits such as lychee or Asian plum become more popular. Wonder what's your pick?
