Cheng Beng Present

Just the other day, I was reminded that Cheng Beng is just around the corner. On this day, Chinese families  come together to visit the tombs of their ancestors to clean the graves, pray and make ritual offerings. My family is supposed to go for Cheng Beng at the end of the month but by the look of things, it is not going to happen. Currently, the whole world is gripped by the fear of corona virus and although there is no total lockdown of the country ala China or Italy, there is an order by the government of the day to restrict movement and to avoid mass gathering. Maybe, we'll go some other time. There is a fixed month but no fixed day for Cheng Beng unless it's a new death that has just occurred one to three years ago; and we can always go another day. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see...

Cheng Beng past...
