Booze in Chinese Wedding Banquets

A wedding planner in Singapore proposed this, that for a Chinese wedding banquet, the amount of the different beverages to buy would be in the ratio of 30% soft drinks, 35% wine, 15% hard liquor and 20% beer. Not every guest take alcohol but booze is a must for a Chinese wedding banquet, I suppose; not just for merry making purposes but also to cater for guests who choose to drink. In Singapore and definitely Malaysia and elsewhere too, Chinese couples getting hitched may get a headache deciding on the amount of alcohol to be bought. Just recently, I read about Malaysia's PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang criticising the government for not prohibiting Oktoberfest celebrations this year, saying that the Bavarian festival was against Muslim culture, claiming too that non-Muslims are free to celebrate any events that are not against their religious principles but that events must be reconciled with Muslim sensitivities and respect of Islam. Well, with due respect, what do you think about that? 
