Heard that the 7 foot 6 inch Yao Ming carried China's national flag during the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics. A giant as a flag bearer! Who needs a flag pole here! It would be fun to see his father, Yao Zhiyuan and his mother, Fenddi Fang walking with him. Standing at 6 feet 7 inches and 6 feet 3 inches respectively, Yao Ming's parents were the tallest couple in China when Yao Ming was born. The centre for the Houston Rockets is also the tallest player in the NBA and besides being China's favourite athlete, his should be a familiar face to many since prior to the 2008 Olympics, an advertisement featuring him and kung fu superstar, Jacky Chan tickled the funny bone but if you think his appearance is too short to deserve a mention, there is always an old Pepsi advertisement featuring him and Taiwanese musical genius, Jay Chou...
Yao Ming and Jacky Chan in a pre-Olympic commercial...
Yao Ming and Jay Chou in a Pepsi commercial...
Yao Ming and Jacky Chan in a pre-Olympic commercial...
Yao Ming and Jay Chou in a Pepsi commercial...