I have heard of this man since I don't know when. The history book mentioned him. Television series and movies about him are so ever popular and just the other day, I saw and watched him again in YouTube. Shi Huangdi, the founder of the Chin dynasty and the man who united all China, had often been denounced as a tyrant who ordered the burning of books so as to impose his own beliefs on the population. In an account that explains his action and perhaps paints a kinder picture of him, a scholar by the name Shun-yu Yueh had been said to have advised him that he should take lessons from the past. When he sought the opinions of his ministers, the premier Li Sze had said, “Your Majesty had laid the foundations of imperial beyond what a stupid scholar can understand. The scholars do not learn the present but study antiquity. They condemn the present and lead the masses astray and to disorder. I pray that all records be burned excepting those of Ch’in. Let all those who dare to speak be put to death and their bodies be exposed in the market-place along with their relatives. It seems to be suggested here that someone else brought about the burning of books during his reign.
Below is a BBC version:
Below is a BBC version:
In the last time I think about those poor persons that lived in tha periods: how terrible was that life! How was it possible to go so in the battle to die for who knows who, an imperator, a zar, a tyrann... We are so happy to live in this period! Hope we have hot to reincarnate more :)))