Lucky Bamboo for Chinese New Year...
Chinese New Year is just round the corner! I am sure the nurseries are already well stocked with chrysanthemums. I remember buying a pot or two of these flowers for decorating the house or to give away to a dear friend years back. Other popular plants in Malaysia include lucky bamboo and of course, kumquat which my sister-in-law never fail to buy come each Chinese New Year and in San Francisco, America, I understand that orchids, narcissus, azaleas and peonies are in the popular list too. These plants are synonymous with good luck, good fortune, wealth, longevity and other positive thoughts and I really like that idea. I read an article in the paper that plants are a symbol of life and growth and a must for Chinese New Year. This is a new piece of news for me really but I do like the idea. What better way to green the world!
Chinese New Year is just round the corner! I am sure the nurseries are already well stocked with chrysanthemums. I remember buying a pot or two of these flowers for decorating the house or to give away to a dear friend years back. Other popular plants in Malaysia include lucky bamboo and of course, kumquat which my sister-in-law never fail to buy come each Chinese New Year and in San Francisco, America, I understand that orchids, narcissus, azaleas and peonies are in the popular list too. These plants are synonymous with good luck, good fortune, wealth, longevity and other positive thoughts and I really like that idea. I read an article in the paper that plants are a symbol of life and growth and a must for Chinese New Year. This is a new piece of news for me really but I do like the idea. What better way to green the world!
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year!
Some shops sell similar to professional fertilizers. In this case you can have more big, more "special" plants and flowers.
We have one german supermarket where it's possible to buy this sort of feritlizers and in this case I have better results.